Thursday, April 29, 2010

Why Indians run after a job?

I think a key driver of such a career choice is the inherent conservatism of the Indians when it comes to making a living. Some of the many key drivers are

1. Lack of an organised social security system reduces risk taking ability. In USA, if you are unemployed, the government will take care of you. In India, if you are unemployed, either relatives take care of you, or you starve

2. Marriage system controlled by family and community requires potential grooms to reach a certain level of prosperity and competence by a certain age. Otherwise, the quality of bride drops off drastically. Increasingly, similar demands are being made on the potential brides as well.

3. In a country which suffers from acute material and welfare shortages on per capita level, those who have it , hold a place of honor in the society. The sooner you get it, more honorable it is

4. Parents are the key decision making factors. Indian society gives them extraordinary influence and they don't hesitate from deploying emotional, financial and social levers in any dispute with their children. Usually they don't have the intellect to look beyond the obvious - making money now is better than hoping for more money later. They also make decisions based on their experiences, which are quite irrelevant in the world of Facebook and IPL.

5. There is a general lack of awareness. People in the metros experiment more, and people in the villages less

I am sure there are many other things going on. But these were my two cents.


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